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Dermal  fillers

1ml £160  

Lips, Cheeks, Nasolabial Folds, Marionette Lines,

 Peri-Oral Lines aka Smoker's Lines,

Chin & Jawline Fillers

Hand Filler 2mls £300

Dermal Fillers in Deal Kent

Dermal Fillers plump and lift the skin by restoring or adding facial contour, volume and smoothing out lines and wrinkles.

Dermal Fillers are an injectable manmade, non-animal substance that mimics the body's natural depleted hyaluronic acid that decreases with age.  Once injected, the fillers provide support and structure to the skin resulting in a more plump and youthful appearance.

Areas most commonly treated with dermal fillers for ageing, restoring and re-contouring are: lips, smile lines, cheeks, temples, tear troughs, jawline, chin, nose and hands.

Results are instant with no down-time.  You can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment.

Products used: CE approved

Make an enquiry or book your appointment today

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